The usage of automatic rapid fire weapons have become so commonplace that after every school shooting, StoneKettle would constantly update his most controversial essay, the Seven Stages of Gun Violence that for a long time, remained unbroken. His latest article points out the logical fallacy in arming teachers - who's going to teach these educators, how are they going to differentiate between protecting themselves and the actual shooters, and is this really the most conductive use of a learning environment where your children are under constant threat?
At last count, the tally for students marching for change has reached about a Million. If asked about those figures, Trump would probably say something along the lines of, "I had more people at my Inauguration! The largest in history!!!" One of the best comic bloggers, Kleefeld, used to find relevant comics surrounding an issue of the day with surprising speed, but since he's taken a brief hiatus, I've decided to pick up on his stead.
Pearls Before Swine decided to tackle the issue a day early, with a poignant message with every parent's worst fears. Or at least, until these shootings became commonplace. The phrase, "Have a safe trip!" has become "Come back alive!", even though they both retain the same message, have very different meanings.

Then the next day, I noticed a few comics that registered the message again - Zits, which had been going on autopilot with immature teens and clueless parents, since these are actual teenagers who're unafraid to face the reality that adults don't have to live with.

As is my rule, I don't post anything with a thematic message, unless I can find comics from at least three sources. Fortunately, the third came in handy with a surprisingly funny take on the issue:

A tip - I generally find Rhymes With Orange comics to be easier to read if I just look at the title in the first panel, then move on to the main comic in the 2nd panel, then look at the mini-comic in the 1st panel again. It makes more sense in context that way.
There may have been other comics, but I've been unable to find any more than what I've seen. If there are any I've missed, let me know.
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