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"Don't worry. Everything is fine." |
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An unaltered still from the X-Men cartoon series.
Season 5, episode 13, "Hidden Agendas," originally aired Sept. 13, 1997.
They've even got Tiki Torches and Red Hats.
"Couldn't you get any pitchforks?"The Charlottesville Rally was such a failure that it resulted in the outing of multiple White Supremacists who were identified, and later found themselves fired, disowned by their families, and wound up crying for being called out on their calls to incite violence. It seems that it finally took the radicalization of dissatisfied youths and the unprovoked attack by car and death of a young white girl to finally shock the public out of their contemplacy. But the real hitter was Trump’s hesitation in outright denouncing what should’ve been obvious from the outset, wanting to wait two days to “get all the facts”, when he’s condemned people in less time. (Usually just an hour after meeting them) Trump's great reluctance in condemning the Tiki-Nazis - an action that should've been a no-brainer for anybody with a single lick of common courtesy or political decorum. But as we've seen time and time again, Trump has none of that self control, and his tactic of "Saying it like it is" made him unable to do the right thing, even when it would've helped his image.
"They only sell those at a discount to Immigrants, for some reason."
"They must be aligned with the Devil. That's the only reason I can think of."
Alt-Right reaction to Trump's condemnation:"He probably really doesn't mean it!"But he couldn't even maintain the illusion long enough before he came crawling back into his warm hole of outrage, saying that "Both sides were complicit and to blame" for the violence.

NO, they're not equal! One side called out for the suppression, eradication and removal of races not their own, while the other side wanted to stop such violence from taking place. And the result of the latter was one of the Tiki-Nazis to drive a car unprovoked into a crowd, injuring many, and killing one. In any other situation, a tragedy like this would normally go unnoticed as “Boys being boys”. Instead, the Charlottesville Rally was labeled as Terrorist Incitement, and actually hastened the taking down of Confederate Statues, either by Government or by long-simmering protesters, when they would’ve normally been left alone. Defeating the original intent of the gathering.

"We're Superior! Why should we have to work for it?! Let other unworthy ones out there do the tasks we don't have to soil our dainty hands with!""Then we can complain how they're not doing it right, without ever showing them how it could've been done better!"
If Hillary Clinton had been President, then all this aberrant behaviour would've been decried as being "perfectly normal". But with an unabashed Racist-in-Chief in the White House empowering his base, we can no longer afford to stand back with a jaundiced cynical view, and pretend any of these outdated views are anything but normal.

And then Trump backtracked even further, saying that statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would've been taken down next, since those guys owned slaves too. More false equivalence. The difference being - the former politicians helped found the United States, while the Confederates wanted to tear the country apart. Apologists for the Confederacy say that the war they fought was for land, self-determination, not the right to own slaves. For people who constantly tell Hillary Clinton supporters that "You lost, get over it!" they seem surprisingly reluctant to take their own advice.

“If there are any Nazis or White Supremacists who are "also very fine people," as you say, could you be bothered to NAME them?”It was suggested that the best way to get rid of the Confederate Statues was to tell Trump they’d be replaced with sculptures of himself. They’d all be gone by tomorrow.
"Of Course! There was... George Washington! A Fine Upstanding man who also happened to own slaves. And Thomas Jefferson, who - "
"Any RECENT fine upstanding men?"
"Apart from me, who has never owned slaves or joined any Rallies, I can't think of anybody more upstanding than me. Other than Putin of course."
“Did you just - ”
"Hamilton! And Frederick Douglass!! They probably owned slaves, amirite?"
“I AM THE GREATEST CONFEDERATE GENERAL IN HISTORY! AND DON'T LET ANYBODY FORGET IT!!! General Grant? Looked a lot like me. Lee? We share a remarkable resemblance. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson? They could be mistaken for twins. All photos and statues shall be replaced with my Beautiful Beautiful look for historical posterity, and be surrounded by Beautiful Women. All Tens. No Nines.”
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"This is not what I meant when I said I wanted to be surrounded by pretty birds!" |
It took this little for the people to finally proclaim that they wouldn’t stand for this any longer. Did this finally get through your thick skulls? Did you finally get it?? Did you finally learn?!? And even this much is still not enough to penetrate some people's mental defenses. Such as Omarosa Manigault who tore up about her Black friends abandoning her once she revealed she supported Trump.
"I used to be able to prove I wasn't Racist by pointing out my Black Friends!"I have to admit my ignorance in this, since I knew practically nothing of this, since US Confederacy is a very different beast from Canadian Confederation. Also in being divorced from overhearing what other people say (especially behind my back), I've never been fraught with this kind of upbringing, so understanding the irrational rationale behind this is all kinds of illuminating.
"'Racist' is the N-word for white people."I've heard it said that the difference between America and Germany's approach to homegrown war crimes is that the Germans were constantly reminded of their history - the atrocities their people did before they were born, outright slaughtering Jews & other races, while the rest of the population looked the other way because they were scared - and the Americans weren’t. Americans were never forced to face up to the harsh treatment they endowed upon their slaves, looking at the scarred backside of an indentured servant who displeased their masters over slights real or imagined. Instead, they were spoon-fed a false history where they were cheated out of clear victory without ever having those facts challenged or verified. Usually in museums that offered a hyped up war with a slanted view of the past. And once you have those views challenged, the immediate reaction to the threat against their fragile well-being, they respond back the only way they know how - with threats and violence.

Which isn't easy, considering how Racist acts tend to be rewarded more than punished. Movies such as The Lone Ranger, Ghost in the Shell and Gods of Egypt, which normally would have had visible minorities in these roles, but were replaced by White actors in an unashamed way of White-washing. Even when it's been consistently shown that minorities are a big draw for those crowds representing them, and when appropriating stories that include them. There are more than enough Black Slaves and Black Hood stories done that it becomes uncomfortable in itself. How about having one about a Black Man tasked with Saving the World instead of some White dude? Already, there are people complaining about upcoming Marvel movie, Black Panther, because it meant there would only be Thirty-Six Movies about Heoric White Saviors instead of Thirty-Seven. You've already got all those other Action movies. Let them have their day in the sun.
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A totally unidentifiable unrelatable improbable main character. |
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Perpetual Headline: "This was Trump's Worst Week." Postdated from Last Week. |
“It envisions an alternate history where newly freed African Americans have secured the Southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama post-Reconstruction as reparations for slavery, and with that land, the freedom to shape their own destiny. The sovereign nation they formed, New Colonia, has had a tumultuous and sometimes violent relationship with its looming ‘Big Neighbor,’ both ally and foe, the United States. The past 150 years have been witness to military incursions, assassinations, regime change, coups, etc. Today, after two decades of peace with the U.S. and unprecedented growth, an ascendant New Colonia joins the ranks of major industrialized nations on the world stage as America slides into rapid decline. Inexorably tied together, the fate of two nations, indivisible, hangs in the balance.”Chances are the general reaction from surrounding States would be something like when whole Black towns were wiped off the map and their history erased. Ironically and fittingly enough, in Charlottesville of all places. For those who’d want to see what a Black civilization that’s not under threat of being dominated or overruled by Whites, check out Aya of Yop City. It features a wide array of differently shaded people on the Ivory Coast in a Soap Opera Setting.
All of this is just a longwinded way of getting to what I really wanted to show - a brief 4chan board post on their Political Forum. 4chan usually indulges in Unpolitically Correct memes, and one of these was Make Slave Master Journal Entries in the style of recent twitter summaries. I've taken the liberty of taking some of the funniest comments and softening some of the more hateful language, but otherwise, the message remains on point. For anyone who's culturally sensitive, feel free to skip this section. For those who want to skirt the boundaries of humour and good taste, feel free to take the plunge.
Chances are, this is pretty close to what Confederation would be like:
>June 17, 1841
>I made my way to the fields in the early morn to prepare for another hard day of work.
>As I approached the fields I see they lay barren, not a single dark body in the sea of white cotton
>I rode my horse to the slave house in anger at the laziness of my n*ggers.
>As I opened the door what I found shocked me.
>The n*ggers lay in bed sound asleep, not a care in the world
>I felt my blood boil, I have provided these savages with food, clothing, and warmth and this is how they repay my kindness.
>I raised my hand and shouted loudly for the n*ggers to get to work.
>I lashed them out of their homes, hitting the one called Toby over 45 times with the tip of my whip.
>For their disgusting disrespect I did not allow them rest until a full 4 hours after the sun had set.
>May 18, 1845
>I come home from Trader Magee's
>Great bargains on notions, wears n such
>hear noise up stairs
>it's the sound of my wife having sex
>race up the stair case
>one of my pieces of equipment is placing his long, dark, veiny member inside my wife's secrets.
>my wife displays a look of shock when she sees me enter the room
>she cries rape
>how dare Jeranjelo covet my wife with his dark seed
>I apply 40 lashes to his back side with my newly purchased N*gger Whipper 2800
>I decide it's not enough and break in my whip further by applying it to his filthy long member.
>my whip breaks
>read label on handle
>made in China
>damn you Trader Magee
>April 23, 1858
>Was having doubts about my boy the other day
>Saw him playing with the n*gger children
>He was starting to show sympathy for the field n*ggers at dinner
>Asked why they should be doing all the work for us
>Gave him a few lashes and refused to feed him supper
>Tell him "son, if I catch you playing with those animals again you won't eat for a week"
>Next day, two n*groes are caught fornicating in an outhouse
>About to put the male down when my boy appears with a fowling piece
>Blasts that n*gger's head back to the West Indies
>My expression at that moment is recorded for posterity on the following daguerreotype plate
>January 26, 1842
>The lashing I gave Toby last week has left my wrist in a terrible condition
>After spilling a barrel of Ale I had received from my good friend Col. Hardon, I whipped Toby for over an hour
>Upon my completion of his punishment a remark he made left me to continue for another hour
>I am starting to believe Toby enjoys the feel of my leather across his back
>Afterwards I noticed a pain in my wrist and called for a physician
>I was told to refrain from using a whip to allow my wrist to heal
>This is troubling times as Toby has taken advantage of my injury to do less work
>I will ensure I teach him the meaning of respect once my affliction is healed.
>Feburary 16, 1842
>Today the physician told me that my wrist has healed completely
>At that moment I grabbed my whip and stormed to find Toby
>Upon finding him I ran towards him faster than a n*gger eats chicken
>The look on that n*ggers face will be forever remembered in my mind
>The fear in his eyes only fueled my desire to discipline him for his transgressions in the last month
>I began to whip that n*gger for a solid hour upon which I had to rest for a few minutes
>After resting I could feel my whipping hand twitching, its desire only to be sated by the lashing of nigger flesh
>I began to whip Toby further for another 2 hours
>I whipped him until that n*gger's spine lay bare.
>I returned home satisfied knowing that discipline had been enforced.
>May 18, 1845
>Husband at Trader Magee's buying shit we don't need
>Get bored and decide to use equipment for a romp in the hay
>choose Jeranjelo for his girthy advantages
>see husband enter room
>quickly place blame n*gger
>he's raping me
>he bought it lolwut
>watch as husband beats n*gger hard that he breaks his freshly bought whip
>Jerangelo dies
>shit now have to purchase another sex slave.
>August 2, 1845
>My son has recently come of age and for his birthday I bought him a whip made from the finest Georgia leather
>I showed him how to discipline the fields and keep order on our lands
>As we strolled through my son noticed that Jeremiah was not working to speed
>That n*gger, same as his father
>My son went to the n*gger and said "Work n*gger, work" as he lashed at him
>His technique is sloppy sometimes hitting the face or arms instead of the sensitive skin of the upper back but I could not be more proud
>Toby comes along and inquires him to stop whipping his son
>I dismount my horse and lash Toby before he could even see me coming
>For the next hour the only thing heard from the fields was crack after crack
>Father and son lashing away as the sun set
>Our whips well broken in by the fury of our strikes
>After me and my son washed the blood from our hands and face he told me "Paw, did I do good today?"
>There is no prouder father in all of Georgia
>September 12, 1845
>Despite her taste for the negroid, I regret to write that I do indeed miss my African chasing wife.
>Col. Hardon has shown me the most marvelous trickery to satisfy my nightly cravings though.
>We found the most endowed negroid with the closest skeletal resemblance to European blood at the trade; with the name of Jamama.
>By the grace of God, this black beauty was on sale for three shekels less than market price.
>Turns out she was damaged goods, they caught the female kissing the mouth of another - how savage.
>With my leftover currency I was able to buy a new glove for my whipping hand.
>I took Jamama to the river and bathed her real good.
>That night, I called Jamama in, that n*gger walked in with her hips bobbing left and right.
>I painted Jamama white with the finest wagon paint my money could purchase.
>Finally, I gave Jamama my great aunt Patrice's wig.
>Jamama almost appeared to be of European blood under the light of the moon. This should suffice.
>I sewed her fields with the fury that I once whipped Jerangelo with.
>Col. Hardon said my European seed would do its best to avoid the n*gro's cervical depths.
>I do pray he was right.
>October 11, 1845
>In recent days I have noticed Jamama beginning to gain weight
>I fear that my many nights of passion with her have begun to take hold
>I curse myself for my carnal desires of the flesh but her allure is unbearable
>I will call on her again tonight to smother my manhood with her loving embrace
>The problem of her child is still an issue that burdens my mind haunts me in my final waking moments
>Is this God's way of punishing me for my desires?
>No matter how much paint I apply have I forgotten the skin by which she wears?
>Either way something shall be done to remedy me of the abomination that lies within her womb
>It is a good thing I have a sturdy staircase.
This may not have anything to do with the article at hand, but I'm tired of everyone online telling me I'm "triggered."