But you're not interested in hearing about all that. You're here to read some more adventures of a young alien boy and his friends. From November 5 to December 8, 1985.

You can pretty much expect a lot of final panels resulting in Tyrone falling face down into the dirt.

See what I mean??

One of the perceived disadvantages of comics is that it's considered a silent medium. In this case, that'd be considered a blessing, saving you wrist action reaching for the Mute option.

Taking time out from this disturbance of Royal domestic affairs via an accidental sneeze, we see what Dr. Valvlock's up to, wandering the planet's surface, looking for dubious repair supplies.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled international incident.

When Tyrone's not falling flat on his face, he's running straight into solid objects. At this rate, it's surprising his face doesn't more resemble a pug's. But then, he shares the traits typical of a bulldog, a flat-faced dog breed, so who knows?

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