Cathy's relationship with men can be described as being desperate, while also being unsatisfied seekers of perfection only to attract disasters, and being the inspiration for missing Newspaper Comic Collection titles.
And in the rare occasions where there were acceptable men, they were either too good for her, leading the lead character to back off out of fear that there might be something wrong with someone who'd want her as a companion, or snapped up by her friends later.
Early on, there was a kind accepting boyfriend, Emerson, who had all the qualities Cathy wanted in a man, but just not in his kind of man. And he was quickly forgotten.
For the most part, her definitive man was Irving, an irrepressible clueless jerk who was somehow endearing despite his faults. He would be the backdrop against all the other awful men Cathy would go out with, serving as a barometer gauge of awfulness.
But there was one instance where Cathy found a potential soul mate that would wind up being one of her longest lasting relationships over the course of a year. It all started innocuously enough in January 31st of 1994 when she signed up for gym membership.

Of course, when anybody ventures out into new territory, they have a tendency to fall back on the old patterns they're most familiar with.

This isn't the last that Cathy and Alex would see each other, but this post is running long enough already, easily outpacing my Epic BC posts. Maybe I'll post a followup sometime next year.