
Thursday, May 1, 2014

May for Mayor

May 2th - Humphries' Law of Bicycling: The shortest route has the steepest hills.

May 6th - Hindenburg Explodes 1937.  Law of Revelation: The hidden flaw never remains hidden.

May 10th - Natalie's Law of Algebra: You never catch on until after the test.

May 12th - Mother's Day.  O'Toole's Axiom: One child is not enough, but two children are far too many.

May 15th - Willoughby's Law: When you try to prove that a machine won't work, it will.

May 20th - Victoria Day (Canada), Lindbergh Flies Across Atlantic 1927.  Hollenbeck's Law: The direction of takeoff will be opposite that of the final destination.

May 23rd - Captain Kidd Hanged 1701.  Harrison's Postulate: For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

May 27th - Memorial Day Observed.  Lovka's Freeway Axiom: The driver behind you wants to go five miles per hour faster.

May 29th - Schrimpton's Law of Teenage Opportunity: When opportunity knocks, you've got headphones on.

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